I had a really weird dream last night, and even if I'm usually the one who interprets everyone else's dreams, I can't seem to figure this one out exactly.
I dreamt I was in a parking lot somewhere, and I know it was far away from home. And all I could think about was that I was so ready to leave and get back to where I felt familiar. But when I got out to my car, I noticed my rear tire was totally flat. I was pissed because I had just gotten new tires a few months ago and I had no idea how it could be flat already.
I didn't feel confident that I knew how to change a tire effectively without doing something wrong. And I knew I had a very long drive and just didn't trust the spare tire. I was upset and angry and just wanted to get out of there.
Then all of a sudden this huge brightly colored van came screeching into the parking lot next to me. It was filled with clowns. I really hate clowns. And they all jumped out and started running towards me. So I got into my car really fast and tried to roll the window up. But one of them stuck their hand inside and honked an annoying air horn in my face. It scared me (which is kind of stupid since it was just a horn). But I panicked and smacked the horn out of his hand and got the window up.
All of these clowns were swarming my car, so I decided I better just drive, even with a flat tire. So I took off and skidded away from the evil pack of clowns. And I was on this mountain highway and my car was shooting off sparks because I was riding on the rim of the flat tire.
I was upset that my car was going to be totally ruined, but I knew I had no choice but to keep driving. And then I got a call on my phone, and it was a woman's voice. I'm not entirely sure who she was though. But it was known to me that she was someone from this website and she read my blog. And she told me, %26quot;take care of yourself because I want to read your story about the crystal heart.%26quot;
And then I woke up. The whole thing was just so weird I actually wrote down notes on a piece of paper so I wouldn't forget. The message at the end seemed really important, but I have no idea what the story of the crystal heart is.
Anyone have any thoughts? I better not dream about anymore clowns though....*What does this weird dream mean?To dream that you are in parking lot, suggests that you need to slow down and take some time to relax from your daily activities.
To see or dream that you have a flat tire, indicates that you are feeling weary and emotionally drained. Your goals are temporarily hindered and you are unable to progress forward.
To see or drive a van in your dream, symbolizes convenience and/or practicality. Consider the load that you are carrying and what you can handle. Don't stress yourself out.
If you have a fear or phobia of clowns, the clown may represent a mysterious person in your life who mean you harm. Somebody you know may not be who they appear to be. Or somebody may be pretending to be somebody they are not and are hiding under a facade.
To dream that you are running away from someone, indicates an issue that you are trying to avoid. You are not taking or accepting responsibility for your actions. In particular, if you are running from an attacker or any danger, then it suggests that you are not facing and confronting your fears.
To see or hear a horn in your dream, signifies your need to pay attention to your inner voices and intuition. Alternatively, you may be bragging and %26quot;blowing your own horn%26quot;.
To dream that you feel fear, indicates that your achievements will not be as successful as you had anticipated. You are experiencing anxieties in various aspects of your life. The key to overcoming your fear is to discuss them and deal with them openly.
To dream that you are in a panic, indicates a lack of control and power in your life. You may be feeling helpless in some situation or unable to make a clear decision.
To see or use a cell phone in your dream, indicates that you are being receptive to new information. It also represents your mobility.
To receive a warning in your dream, indicates that something in your waking life is in need of your attention. The dream may serve to give you a second thought of your actions and to rethink the consequences.
As for my thoughts on the %26quot;crystal heart%26quot;, a crystal symbolizes your higher Self, and a heart represents courage. So perhaps this woman's message is your inner Self trying to tell yourself to be more brave.
Hope it helps!What does this weird dream mean?that be a cool story:PWhat does this weird dream mean?It means you've probably watched too many runs of The Dark Knight.
Dreams are just dreams... it doesn't mean anything... forget it.What does this weird dream mean?crystal heart..maybe it means someone's innocence in there heart and soul. have u been writing a story about a innocent person?