Monday, October 24, 2011

Changing what you say "yes" to with parents?

I have a sibling who is VERY irresponsible. Since being a child it has become customary for my parents (especially my mother) to expect me to step-up when my sibling isn't doing what they should. ie: Parents go out of town and want me to take care of the house because they can't trust the sibling to do it even though sibling will be there the whole time, also sibling gets a job, but has no car, mother asks me to drive sibling because mother is too busy or tired. My boyfriend (of six months) has expressed displeasure about the way my family treats me. I've come to realize that I agree with him when he says that what is going on is BS. Time for change. Why should I be expected to pick up the slack when my sibling isn't being an adult??? The only thing I'm afraid of is burning bridges with my parents. What if I need their help sometime and they hold my standing up for myself against me? How would one handle this assertively, while still staying in your parent's good graces?Changing what you say %26quot;yes%26quot; to with parents?I'm assuming you live on your own, because you said that your sibling was supposed to be at the house the entire time and you wouldn' if that's the case, and you feel as though your family is taking advantage of you, (of which I agree, they are!) then I would really suggest that go and try and talk to them.

Be as simple and as clear as possible...tell them that you love to help out when they need it because they've helped you out in the past but you have your own life and responsibilities to take care of, and cannot be used to call on at their every beck %26amp; call for your younger sibling, who obviously needs to learn a little responsibility and to take care of themselves because your parent's aren't always going to be around to take care of him, and neither are you.

Tell them that you're happy to help out when you can, but you can't disrupt everything that's going on in your life, to help him. I know it runs the risk of them not wanting to help you, but your sibling really needs to learn something from all of this!Changing what you say %26quot;yes%26quot; to with parents?Do you live at home with your parents or are they asking you to come over and help out? If you live at home, I would say, this might be their way of having you contribute to the household. They might not realize that you think it's unfair and that you feel you're expected to pick up sibling's slack. If you choose to talk to them about this you need to do it in a calm and respectful way and make sure you listen to what they have to say about it too.Changing what you say %26quot;yes%26quot; to with parents?You need to be careful. Family is forever, and boyfriends come and go. Perhaps he want more attention and has created in your thinking that you are being put upon by your parents. Your parents need you to help and support the family. That's what family is all about. Have you sat down with your parents and talked like an adult about your time, now your getting older, you need more time for your own social life, and friends. Watch the boyfriend.. (He maybe selfish)Changing what you say %26quot;yes%26quot; to with parents?just tell them that your simply starting to feel like your sibling is your child, that you have your own responsibilities now and you cant always be lookin out for him/her. every once and a while is ok....and there is such a thing of public transportation. or startmaking him/her to give you gas money if they want a ride every friggen where.