Do you ever think about how much gas it just took for them to deliver your food?
I deliver pizza at night to help my family's income. I make minimum wage...and i depend on my tips to at least fill up my car to get to your houses. Yet, when I get there (sometimes, it's 10-15 miles away from our store) I get change or a dollar. Most times, I get nothing. I worked for 5 hours on Wednesday night and i only made 14 dollars for the whole night. And that was including my comission (which is 10 cents per mile)
I am a married woman with 2 baby boys and I am tired of being stiffed. I am educating the world about tipping.
And to all of you people out there that actually do tip decently, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH.
On average, if you order pizza, What would YOU tip?How much do you normally TIP a Delivery Driver?I usually ask for a total on the food I order then I figgure out a 20% tip. However, if the food takes a really long time (and im not talking about a busy night where they let you know it will be a while) the tip goes down to 15% and if its cold 10%. In most cases I feel I tip pretty well, I only order from places no more than 15 min away and the delivery people seem to do their best to get the food to us quickly so I cant complain. As far as I am concerned, a delivery person should be tipped the same as a person serving you in a restaraunt based on the food quality and the way the person presents themselves to you at the door. Im sorry you are getting stiffed on your tips I want to suggest that you find a job that will apreciate you and pay you what you deserve and need to be paid. Good luck hun.How much do you normally TIP a Delivery Driver?15%How much do you normally TIP a Delivery Driver?3 bucks!How much do you normally TIP a Delivery Driver?I'm cheap, so $3-$5How much do you normally TIP a Delivery Driver?Tip. What is this %26quot;tip%26quot; you speak of?
I don't order delivery.How much do you normally TIP a Delivery Driver?We order a lot of Chinese food and I always tip the guy well. The food never takes any longer then 15 minutes to get here!How much do you normally TIP a Delivery Driver?I tip him/her with %26quot;Plant your corn early%26quot;, that's a good tip.How much do you normally TIP a Delivery Driver?I usually give the delivery person a 5 dollar tip.How much do you normally TIP a Delivery Driver?$1 or 2, unless it was a large order. Maybe you should get your employer to pay you more than minimum wage. A tip by definition is at the discretion of the tipper.How much do you normally TIP a Delivery Driver?Maybe you should consider getting a different job, then. Like union rep.
As a friend once so astutely remarked to me: there are two kinds of people that you give tips to: Those who are never satisfied with how much you give them, and those who are always grateful to receive something extra.How much do you normally TIP a Delivery Driver?A buck a pizza, $3 minimum.How much do you normally TIP a Delivery Driver?i would try a new approach, say they give you 30 bucks and the bill is $26, after they hand you the money ask them if they need any change. Maybe you can make them feel like the cheap jerks they are and out of guilt they will say no...maybe not. give it a shot.How much do you normally TIP a Delivery Driver?Well it all depends on the financial flexibility of the tipper. I myself am a poor person. I singlehandedly support a family of 4 and I am usually very short on cash. If I had a good paycheck and I am not worried about how I am going to pay my electric bill this month, I'll give a couple extra dollars to the delivery person.
But if I had to dig under the couch cushions and borrow money from the kids...Well, you get the point. Don't be angry at a customer if you don't always get a tip. Remember alot of places have a delivery charge too, and in the customers eyes...that IS the tip.How much do you normally TIP a Delivery Driver?my my, well i've worked for tips, i give 3 to 5 but i havn't adjusted for inflation in ten years. I did ok with pizzas, but felt the burn many times driving a taxi. It could be your pizza place, go to a nicer pizza place or one closer to wealthier nieghborhoods, although admittedly some wealthy folks aren't the best tippers, if you get some working class folks who've been in you're position that's the best and they might bless you sometimes although not so much for pizza cause they hardly see you. In a taxi you may shuttle some guy to the bar quite often and get some drunken you're the greatest tips, imagine how bartenders do with these guys.
Chinas nice you don't have to tip at all, it's considered rude, service personnel get paid by the store. If you try to give them extra money they generally think you're trying to bribe them which is vulgar, but many are now aware of our tipping practice and politely explain to you not to do that.How much do you normally TIP a Delivery Driver?3-4 bucks