Monday, September 19, 2011

HELP! So I went upstate to my boyfriends summer house for a few days to help him winterize the house?

it started off on Fri, I was helping him clean out the front gutters, after he got annoyed that I was inside and he was yelling and I couldn't hear, I went to hellp him, I was holding the latter for him, handing him the hose, getting wet in the cold, etc.. I told him at 3:30PM I was getting hungry but I would eat a little something to hold me over until dinner, since he was so we finished up, went to home depot, we were in home depot for an hour and a half, running around, I was starving but didn't say, so we can get stuff done it was already 8 PM, so as soon as we finished, I paid for the stuff for him and I walked over to him to give him the change and he is just sitting there starting in the sky, thinking about something, his parents though there was a problem in their house (but turned out to be nothing, we found out later on), so he is just sitting there, thinking, I was looking at him, finally I was like ok can you give me the keys and can we eat, I did get an attitude but I felt I did everything for him, he didn't care that I was sitting there straving, I really didn't eat anything all day, so we got into a lilttle fight, but then we let it go

So on Sat, we had to clean the back gutters, we went back to home depot to get more supplies and I sat out therre for 3 hours, helping him, again, holding the latter, handing him the hose and honestly I was doing the best I can, we had to move the latter and I wasn't doing everything right, but then again I'm a woman and I'm not good with construction work, after 3 hours, I was cold and tired, he said what is the matter, so I said it, I'm a very honest person, I said I was cold and tired, he flipped out on me, telling me I don't know what I'm doing, basically talking down to me, when all I did was help him, so I went inside to blow my nose and he comes in and tells me how he is not happy in this realtionship, so I said if you want, drive me to the train tonight or tomorrow and this will be it, I was doing the best I can and even though it was not very good, I still tired, so I told him I was leaving and I did, I left and walked to a hotel. He had no idea I left, even though I said it. So he called me and I told him I walked to a hotel, so he came and got me. At first, he was being nasty telling me he didnt want to be with me, so I said fine, then he was being nice, we went to dinner and just tired to let it go.

So everything was good until Monday night, when we got into a huge blowout fight...everything was going well, after dinner I wanted to go to the store to get some ice cream, I cooked all night and I wanted some dessert, he told me no he wasn't going out, so I said ok let me drive your car there, he said no, then I said I would walk, he told me no b/c it was not safe out night with animals, so I said well I am really in the mood to get some ice cream, I'm going to walk, so we got into a huge blow out fight, we said a lot of nasty things to each other and we basically broke up again...So I went to bed and then woke up in the morning, (his bed was the only place we could both sleep), he was like spooing me, we talked about the fight and we both decided it was water under the bridge

He told me this is the worst weekend ever and how he it was suppose to be a mini vacation and how

he was suppose to come back with a clear head and all he is now is stresed

Please tell me if this is my fault and how can I stop this fighing or when can I do...any help please, I don't want another realtionship where all we do is fightHELP! So I went upstate to my boyfriends summer house for a few days to help him winterize the house?Wow, is he always such a hot head? If not, perhaps it was the stress from the weekend, having to get all that work done. He should still apologize to you, though. If not, and he's always like that, you should get out of this relationship, or else you won't be happy.HELP! So I went upstate to my boyfriends summer house for a few days to help him winterize the house?that is where this one is.HELP! So I went upstate to my boyfriends summer house for a few days to help him winterize the house?did it really take all that to ask how to stop fighting???

just stop... or split up, cos you aren't meant to be together...HELP! So I went upstate to my boyfriends summer house for a few days to help him winterize the house?Unless he is willing to accept that you can't do that type of work as he can,.... PROBLEM. Unless he accepts that a relationship is about compromising and communicating,....PROBLEM. It sounds like his concept of a relationship is he is all knowing, all saying, I'll make the decisions, etc... If you can't accept/live with that and you shouldn't have to and he's not willing to seriously work on changing his attitude then the sad fact is it's time to move on. Good luck.HELP! So I went upstate to my boyfriends summer house for a few days to help him winterize the house?Your boyfriend is a hot-headed jerk who is completely self centered. It is not a %26quot;vacation%26quot; for you to come there and work all weekend and be yelled at for incompetence. When you ask someone to help you with no pay, you have to take whatever help they give, however they give it. To be insensitive to your hunger is awful. He is not a protective boyfriend and does not deserve you. Move on. (I don't take any crap......if he were on that ladder yelling at me he would come down the fast way)HELP! So I went upstate to my boyfriends summer house for a few days to help him winterize the house?yikes... slow down. breathe. everyone has arguments with their partners, but if it is something constant then you should think about why you are with this person. he may be a great guy, but it sounds like you two do not get along. if there are no kids involved, you are not married, have not been together for 10 years, you should consider letting him go and moving on. be honest with yourself about why you are dating him. often women stay in bad relationships for fear of being alone or never finding anyone 'better'. don't be like that.HELP! So I went upstate to my boyfriends summer house for a few days to help him winterize the house?Ugh, if he is like this now, you'll never make it till your 50th wedding anniversary in one piece.

Ladies should not have to hold onto ladders and then not get fed properly.

You got to train men early to feed you and take care of you.

They are clueless and don't get it. It's not your fault. Don't offer to be his free labor if he is not going to treat you nice.HELP! So I went upstate to my boyfriends summer house for a few days to help him winterize the house?I read the first paragraph and all I read was %26quot;Blah blah blah I didn't make my boyfriend a sandwich so now I'm going to complain I'm hungry blah blah blah%26quot;