Monday, September 19, 2011

Read please:)give me your opinion?

How is this for a heartache essay and what is it misssing?whay does it suck or is it good?

No one understands how love happens or the way it works, it is just one of the mysteries in life we must learn from. We ask ourselves are we meant to get hurt when we fall in love. Is love supposed to be nothing but happiness and joy? Is it meant to be perfect, and can it last? I remember that at a young age before I knew what it was like to be in a real relationship I would watch all these sappy romantic movies and would wonder to myself if that was how it was like to be in love, was there really a happy ending to every love story, and If I would one day find love like that. I was always afraid of going into a relationship, because of my high expectations. I wanted my first relationship to be perfect like those in the movies. I had an ideal image of how I wanted my first boyfriend to look and act. I look back on that and just think of how ridiculous I sounded. I ended up finding love when I least expected it during the summer of 2009.It was my first real relationship, I didn檛 know what to expect. I threw myself out onto the battlefield of love with out armor or protection. The beginning of our relationship was great we both shared the passion for soccer. We talked about everything it was amazing, but good things never last. We are blinded in the beginning of the relationship with how much they show about themselves, but who they really are is usually under that disguise used in the beginning of the relationship. I was so blinded by what I believe was called love. He had complete control over me. He in the other hand seemed to do what he pleased as long as I didn檛 find out and as long as he could talk him self out of it. He lied to me so many times and did so many things behind my back. I would beg him to stay with me when he would try breaking up with me. He just didn檛 seem to care what I said, thought, did, or felt. This happened so many times he would even lie and say his phone was dying when he would go out so I wouldn檛 know what time he got back home and like an idiot I would wait all night crying and wishing he would feel the same way I did. I was so hurt inside every time he would break up with me I felt like he was the only one for me.I felt like no one else could take his place. I would feel so alone when he would leave me as if my world was ending; it was so hard. I didn檛 feel like eating, it was such an emotional and physical pain. I began feeling so tired of crying almost every night for him. Finding out he would talk to other girls while he was with me just made me feel so useless to him, as if I wasn檛 good enough. I grew tired of his crap it took so many tears to finally realize that he was only hurting me. I was tired of the pain I would go through. I soon began to show him I didn檛 care anymore. He broke up with me one day and it was the last straw. I left with my friends?downtown. I couldn檛 take it anymore I was determined to not beg him. If he broke up with me it was his decision and I needed to move on. So the whole day I was gone I did not text him or even call him .It was the hardest thing I檝e ever had to do but I knew it was for the best. That night I ended up going to his soccer game and we talked in his car. He told me how much he had missed me and how he cared about me and how he realized he did love me and once again I believed him but it wasn檛 the same anymore. I still saw him as a liar as someone who would only break my heart. I decided to stay with him but in the back of my mind my plan was to make him fall in love with me so in the end only he would get hurt and what he deserved. Six months into the relationship I noticed how much he began to change I wasn檛 the one crying anymore he was. I just didn檛 care anymore whether or not he wanted to be with more or not I was just so tired of feeling like a prisoner. I couldn檛 talk to any guy friend because he would get mad, I also felt like I couldn檛 go out. I couldn檛 put up with his jealousy, especially since I had given him no reason to not trust me. Not only did I have to ask my parents for permission but now I had to ask him too. The sad part was he was harder to convince. It bothered him when I went out with my friends. He would deny it but I could tell it did bother him with the things he would say. So every time I would go out we would end up getting into fights. So I would just stay home to avoid fights no matter how much I wanted to go out with my friends .It was not worth the fight. I also started avoiding some of my guy friends just because of the fear that he would get mad at me and we would end up getting in an argument. This wasn檛 love it couldn檛 be because I wasn檛 happy. Soon he started acting sweet with me. He would do anything I would tell him and he would try so hard not to fight with me, but I just felt like it was too late. I know he loves me and this time it檚 not because it comes out of his lips but becaRead please:)give me your opinion?Do you really think people are going to read a 2,000 word essay and this point in time?Read please:)give me your opinion?ZzZzZzZ...Read please:)give me your opinion?i think you'd have more luck asking in another section.Read please:)give me your opinion?Is that avatar picture ur %26quot;i just came face%26quot;

heheRead please:)give me your opinion?what is this some sorta cruel game to expose my ADD? im not reading all thatRead please:)give me your opinion?darn the a.d.d. all i got from it was, noone understand how love happens and how it works, pickles sound just yummy right now, but i would like to try the 5 buck box that rocks and rocks at tacobell, see what the hype is.... i drew a dog. funky winkerbean was underrated, *sigh* skip a few. and thats when i walked out the room and into the restroom with a yo-yo.